
The mkdir command in Linux

The mkdir command in Linux is used to make directories, hence the command is named mkdir. With traditional GUI systems, if you want multiple directories, you have to create one directory at a time. The mkdir is a very flexible and customizable command in this matter. Let’s look at the functionality. Also read: How to

The mkdir command in Linux

Linux Zip and Unzip Commands

With windows, you have a couple of well-known GUI utilities like WinRAR, 7zip, etc. that allow you to play around with archived files. What do you do in the case of Linux? The answer is – Linux zip and unzip commands. These are very simple yet powerful commands that allow you to play around with

Linux Zip and Unzip Commands

How to Install Docker and Run a Docker Container on Ubuntu

Docker is an application that simplifies the process of managing application processes in containers. Containers let you run your applications in resource-isolated processes. Containers are similar to Virtual Machines, but are much less resource-intensive, as they only need the absolute minimum to run a particular application, and does not require installation of a separate Operating

How to Install Docker and Run a Docker Container on Ubuntu Read More ยป

Linux ifconfig command

NOTE: Before reading this article, I would like to inform you that the ifconfig command is outdated, and is not recommended anymore. The ip command is the current replacement for the ifconfig command. Even though this program may be outdated, you may be in a system where you may need this command, so I’ll start

Linux ifconfig command

The uptime Command in Linux

As a Linux user, or as a server administrator, you need to regularly understand how long your servers have been up and running to understand their patch levels. What that means is that if a major update was recently rolled out, but a server has been up for a few weeks, you know that the

The uptime Command in Linux

The killall Command in Linux

In this tutorial, we’ll cover the killall command in Linux. We recently posted a tutorial on the kill command in Linux where we covered the usage and the functionality of the command. Today, we’ll go over how to use the killall command in Linux, and understand the difference between kill and killall commands. What is

The killall Command in Linux