Top 5 Differences Between Windows and Linux in 2023

It’s common to draw comparisons between Linux and Windows. Some people draw attention to their flaws, while others engage in personal assaults against their rivals. However, just a tiny percentage respond to user concerns. This essay explores the fundamental differences between Windows and Linux without resorting to unwarranted criticism or heated debate. 1. Security and […]

Top 5 Differences Between Windows and Linux in 2023 Read More ยป

Effectively Combating Vulnerabilities & Exposures in Kubernetes

The growing popularity of Kubernetes as a container orchestration platform has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage applications. Its versatility and scalability are unmatched, making it a tool to reckon with. However, with these advantages come security challenges. Kubernetes environments can become plagued by vulnerabilities when not managed well, and these vulnerabilities become doorways

Effectively Combating Vulnerabilities & Exposures in Kubernetes

Fediverse: The Future of Open-Source Social Media Platforms

Social media used to be the place where people with similar interests used to interact and post about news/gossip or some thoughts that they want to share. Platforms such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and Instagram have dominated the social media landscape with their diverse topics, groups, pages, and Subreddits. Many third-party websites and Linux distributions

Fediverse: The Future of Open-Source Social Media Platforms Read More ยป