Working with hidden files in Linux

Hidden files in Linux are the files that are not listed when the user runs the ls command. The name of a hidden file starts with a. dot(.) In Linux, not only files, but directories can be hidden as well.…
Hidden files in Linux are the files that are not listed when the user runs the ls command. The name of a hidden file starts with a. dot(.) In Linux, not only files, but directories can be hidden as well.…
Nc or the Netcat command, is a networking command-line tool in Linux. It works like a port scanning tool, a security tool, a network troubleshooting tool, or a network monitoring tool. It is an important utility for system administrators to…
In this article, we’ll be talking about the pstree command in Linux. When it comes to finding running processes on your Linux system, there are multiple options available. The ps command is the more popular option among these options. The…
The expr command in Linux evaluates a given expression for you and displays the output. It also lets you perform certain string operations such as finding length, substring and more. In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform these…
The install command in Linux copies files and sets file attributes. It is not to be used for installing packages. For installing packages on to your Linux system you should use apt command or yum command. In this tutorial, we…
The split command in Linux lets you split large files into smaller files. The smaller files by default contain 1000 lines each. However, the split command also gives you the option to customize the number of lines and bytes in…
The bc command, short for basic calculator, is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. Its syntax is similar to that of C programming language. It has two major applications. One as a mathematical scripting language and…
The iostat command in Linux lets you monitor CPU utilization and I/O (input /output) statistics of all the disks and file systems. Iostat reports are useful for changing system configuration to better balance the input/output load between physical disks. This…
The who command in Linux gives you information about the currently active users. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use this command. We will also learn about a list of options available along with the who command. Let’s…
The whereis command helps you to find the source files, binary files, and manuals sections for Linux commands. It locates the desired program in the standard Linux places, and in the places specified by $PATH and $MANPATH. In this tutorial,…