LibreWolf vs Firefox – A Quick Browser Comparison

LibreWolf Better Than Firefox

Firefox is one of the best open-source browsers available on Linux distributions right now, but Mozilla has made some questionable choices in the recent updates of this open-source browser. But because it is open source, the community has forked the original project and made a ‘better’, more hardened version of the browser named Librewolf. In this article, we will compare both browsers and take a look at the differences and similarities between the browsers.

Firefox vs LibreWolf

Source CodeOpen SourceOpen Source
Privacy level (out of the box)IntermediateStrict
MaintainersMozillaCommunity maintained
Default Search EngineGoogleDuckDuckGo
Cross-PlatformWindows, Mac, Linux, Android, etc.Mostly Desktop-based OS such as Windows, Mac, and Linux
TelemetryEnabled by defaultDisabled out of the box
Password and Bookmarks SyncEnabled when signed in with Firefox account on all devicesDisabled
A brief comparison between both browsers

Removed Unnecessary Features

  • Firefox gives you a feature named ‘Pocket’ in which you can save your articles, but this feature inherently requires you to have a Firefox account. Librewolf removes this feature altogether and thus becomes more lightweight.
  • Librewolf also removes the featured news articles that are present by default on the homepage of Firefox (and essentially serve the purpose of ads more than anything).

Better Privacy

  • Firefox by default has a lot of default privacy settings disabled. You can enable them though, but it requires a lot of time and effort, whereas LibreWolf ships those settings as default.
  • LibreWolf also comes with the extension ‘uBlock Origin’ installed by default. This extension blocks unnecessary ads and pop-ups on all websites.

Private Search Engine

  • LibreWolf ships with the DuckDuckGo search engine as the default. And it is considered one of the most private search engines that don’t collect your data whereas, Firefox ships with the widely used Google search engine which is not so privacy-friendly.

No Cookies

  • LibreWolf immediately clears your history and cookies when you close the browser. This, however, can be a hassle for some users as this can cause you to log out of every website when you close the browser. So your use case matters a lot in choosing between the two browsers.


It definitely depends on your use case and which browser will suit you. If you just want to browse the web and watch videos, then you can use the LibreWolf browser. But if you have to do some office-related work or anything that requires you to log in to various websites daily, then you should use the Firefox browser. You should, however, spend some time hardening your Firefox browser by changing the settings mentioned here.

What is the difference between LibreWolf and Firefox?

LibreWolf is a privacy-focused browser that is a fork of Firefox. It comes with enhanced privacy features and security settings compared to Firefox.

Can I harden LibreWolf for better privacy and security?

Yes, LibreWolf allows you to tweak and configure its settings to enhance privacy, making it a good choice for users concerned about online tracking.

Is LibreWolf compatible with Linux operating systems?

Yes, LibreWolf is available for Linux users who prefer a browser that is privacy-focused and customizable.

How does LibreWolf compare to Waterfox?

LibreWolf and Waterfox are both privacy-oriented browsers, but LibreWolf is more actively developed and supported with regular updates and security enhancements.

Can I use Firefox extensions with LibreWolf?

Yes, LibreWolf is a Firefox fork, so you can use Firefox extensions with it to customize your browsing experience.

Why choose LibreWolf over Firefox?

LibreWolf offers out-of-the-box privacy and security features that are not enabled by default in Firefox, making it a great choice for users who prioritize online privacy.

How does LibreWolf compare to Tor Browser in terms of privacy?

While both LibreWolf and Tor Browser focus on privacy, Tor Browser routes your traffic through the Tor network for enhanced anonymity, whereas LibreWolf enhances privacy through browser settings.