
Process Termination in Linux

Today, we’ll be discussing Linux processes. Any program instance running on Linux is a process. For example, if you are using Firefox to reading this article, you may see it in your Linux terminal by typing out the “ps ax | grep firefox” command. I have provided a screenshot of Ubuntu here, so you can

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Should you use a VPN for gaming?

As a gamer, you probably go about your day thinking that a VPN isn’t something you need. If you enjoy gaming and believe that you should be having the highest quality experience, then maybe you should think again. A VPN essentially will help hide your location and protect your information as it moves around the

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Great Games to Play on Linux

Gaming is one of the most popular and it is also one of the most profitable sectors worldwide with over 2 billion gamers. Moreover, the gaming sector keeps evolving thanks to the rise of different technological innovations including VR technology, 5G network, and many other great innovations that propelled the growth of this industry.  

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Is Linux the Safest Operating System?

MS-Windows, Ubuntu, Linux, Mac OS, and Fedora are some of the world’s most popular operating systems. Irrespective of the type of hardware, computers worldwide run on one operating system or the other. However, the use of multiple operating systems on one system is also a common practice.  Many organizations use multiple operating systems for different

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What Custom Writing Company Can Help with Computer Science Assignments?

Hi, you there! This article is dedicated to custom writing companies. They are sought-after throughout the globe and widely used by thousands of students. The reasons why students need help are different. Some lack the time or advanced skills. Some have severe problems with a certain academic discipline. For example, many youngsters have problems with

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